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December season of LOVEEEHAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!! Winter Zhongchili for you 🥰 when i read your ao3 username, i went a liiiitle insane hehe. LOVE YOUR FICS! rlly. I couldn't be more grateful for all your works for the Zhongchili community<33333 idk if picmix would show this long message, but I'm gonna write something I found out while making this picmix. Joyeux Noel is Merry Christmas in french (well, more likely "happy Christmas"). Joyeux and joy have the same origin, that being joie (which is old french). That's why they're similar when you write them!! On the other hand, Noel means Christmas in french. In Spanish (my native language haha) some people say "Papá Noel" referring to Santa Claus. So, when you say Papá Noel you're saying something like Christmas Dad jsksksdk I hope you spend these holidays full of joy🥰
den 11 december 2023
zhongchi golden honeymoonthis is for u xoxo
den 29 juni 2023